Introduction To Web And HTML


3 min read

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World Wide Web / Web


What is a Web?

It's all about websites or webpages that users can access on their devices through the internet. It is like an electronic book whose pages can be accessed worldwide. The pages or sites are stored on servers.

Are the Web and the Internet are same? The web is part of the internet. The internet is the network of connected computers where the web works on.

How does it work? The web works with the help of several components like HTTP - (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) Protocol that governs data transfer between a server and a client. URL - (Uniform Resource Locator or Uniform Resource Identifier) To access a Web component the client has to supply this. HTML - (Hypertext Markup Language) Most web documents and pages are created using HTML.

What is a Web page A web page is a document commonly written in HTML which can be viewed through a browser. The first web page was created at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee on August 6, 1991. You can visit and browse the first website and the webpage at the address. The web pages are the primary components and they are interconnected by hyperlinks and URIs. Information on the web can be in the form of text, images, audio, and video. Browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Firefox can be used.

What is HTML It describes the structure of web pages using elements or tags and displays the output through a web browser. In short web pages can be created using HTML.HTML has tags or elements. HTML has many tags.

image.png Few among them are

Heading tags H1 which displays in bold font with the bigger size. Next heading tag H2 is bit smaller than H1.

Paragraph Tag p -> You can include the main content here.

Image Tag This tag is used to decorate the page. You can mention the size. Not only the text even the image can be used to link to another page.


Click Web Pages can be interconnected through hyperlinks. Here Click is a hypertext that is used to connect to another page.

Role of Web Server

Web pages are delivered by a web server to the user and displayed in a web browser. In simple terms, a web server is a computer that runs websites.


Why Apache Web Server

It is open-source software which means the source code is freely available for viewing and collaboration, the developers can build their modules and improve its core features. It can handle large amounts of traffic with minimal configuration. You can also remove unwanted modules to make Apache more lightweight and efficient.

Why Live Server

Support for any browser, It features live browser reloading, which simply means that your browser will automatically refresh the page when any change is made to your HTML & CSS files.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

It is a dummy or placeholder text. In simple terms, Lorem can be used as filler content. For example, if you want to fill the page with 300 words roughly type lorem300 and press the tab key.